It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab and an appreciation for a different style of research.
MRSEC Sparks Collaborative Success
TCE’s Army Internship
Seven cadets from the United States Military Academy West Point spent a few weeks this summer at the University of Tennessee working with engineering professors as part of an internship program.
Rack Named MSE Interim Department Head
Professor, Leonard G. Penland Chair, and Associate Department Head Philip Rack has been selected as interim head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, effective July 1.
Gilbert Honored with NSSA’s Science Prize
MSE Assistant Professor Dustin Gilbert receive the Neutron Scattering Society of America’s Science Price for his work on skyrmions.
Four TCE Faculty Elected AAAS Fellows
Rigoberto Advincula, Takeshi Egami, Sergei Kalinin, and Michela Tafur have been elected fellow of the American Association for Advancement Sciences.
Fox, Scroggins Named Goldwater Scholars
MABE junior Amelya Fox and MSE junior Jakob Scroggins were selected as 2024 Goldwater Scholars, one of the most prestigious scholar awards for undergraduate students in the US.
Five TCE Scientists Ranked as Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers
Five researchers from the Tickle College of Engineering appeared on Clarivate’s 2023 High Cited Researchers list.
TIBML’s Hattar Oversees Microscopy Advance Through International Connections
Associate Professor Khalid Hattar, director of the Tennessee Ion Beam Laboratory, coordinated work with international teams to install a first-ever advanced lens for an electron microspore at Sandia National Laboratories.
Kalinin Collaboration Moves Microscopy into the Automated Fast Lane
Sergei Kalinin and collaborators at UT and ORNL earned an R&D100 Award for developing autonomous processes for microscopy that can impact research methods in multiple disciplines.
Gilbert Team Discovery Puts a Magnetic Spin on Neuromorphic Computing
The word “fractals” might inspire images of psychedelic colors spiraling into infinity in a computer animation. An invisible, but powerful and useful, version of this phenomenon exists in the realm of dynamic magnetic fractal networks. Dustin Gilbert, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and colleagues have published new findings in the […]