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Electricity in the Air: Wang, Bai Pursue Goal of Electrified Flight

Fred Wang and Hua Bai are developing breaker-related technology that could help improve electrified flight and increase the speed at which it is adopted.

New Composite Bridge Showcases Sustainable Solution for Aging Infrastructure

Dayakar Penumadu and students helped IACMI develop a composites-based bridge in Morgan County that includes sensors giving real-time data.

Scintillating Ideas: Zhuravleva Helping Homeland Security Secure Borders

Mariya Zhuravleva is helping the Department of Homeland Security detect illicit radioactive cargo and securing our safety through the design of new materials.

Carbon-free Aircraft Propulsion; Greener Skies

Fred Wang led a recently concluded project that UT and Boeing conducted for NASA that explored a new, carbon-free means of electrified aircraft propulsion.

Collaborative Team Designs Virtual Health Care Simulation App

In spring semester 2021, students in the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s College of Nursing will get firsthand experience testing out a new virtual health care app designed by a team of faculty and students from across campus.

Volkswagen, UT, and ORNL Announce Partnership, Innovation Hub

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is partnering with Volkswagen and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to start an innovation hub in East Tennessee.