Student Orgs

Honor Societies

Alpha Nu Sigma

Alpha Nu Sigma

Nuclear Engineering Honor Society

The Alpha Nu Sigma National Honor Society (ANSNHS) was established to recognize high scholarship, integrity, and potential achievement among outstanding degree-seeking nuclear engineering students at institutions of higher learning. Tennessee Alpha has been inducting members since 2011.

Advisor: Martin Grossbeck
National Website

Alpha Pi Mu

Alpha Pi Mu

Industrial Engineering Honor Society

Alpha Pi Mu is the only nationally recognized Industrial Engineering honor society, nationally founded in 1949 at Georgia Tech. Shortly thereafter, in April of 1954, the University of Tennessee started a local chapter. Juniors and seniors are invited to join based upon strong academic performance and an initiation ceremony is held each fall. Alpha Pi Mu honors these students, while providing opportunities to connect students and faculty members and encourage academic and professional pursuits.

Advisor: Xueping Li
National Website

Chi Epsilon

Chi Epsilon

Civil Engineering Honor Society

Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession, Chi-Epsilon (XE) was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the civil engineering student.

Advisor: Chris Cox
Phone: 865-974-2503
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Eta Kappa Nu

Eta Kappa Nu

Electrical Engineering Honor Society

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering field. Members consist of students, alumni and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments.

Advisor: Leon Tolbert
Phone: 865-974-2881
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Pi Tau Sigma

Pi Tau Sigma

Mechanical Engineering Honor Society

Pi Tau Sigma is a Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, instituted in order to establish a closer bond of fellowship among its members which will result in mutual benefit to those men and women in the study and in the profession of mechanical engineering.

Advisor: Majid Keyhani
Phone: 865-974-4795
Email: [email protected]
International Website

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi was founded in 1885 to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in the field of engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in the engineering colleges. It is the only engineering honor society representing the entire engineering profession.

Advisor: Kevin Kit
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Student Groups

Students of all levels are encouraged to browse these organizations and find one or more of interest to join. Involvement in these groups will enhance your educational experience and provide fellowship with others who share your interests.

Alpha Omega Epsilon

Alpha Omega Epsilon

The goal of Alpha Omega Epsilon is to help young women grow their professional skillset and interpersonal relationships at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. They aim to support each other professionally in our pursuit of careers in science and engineering, both of which women are underrepresented in. By forming this supportive sisterhood, they hope to provide a community in which young women can collaborate and bond with each other to build meaningful relationships both academically and socially.

Advisor: Katharine Page
Email: [email protected]
National Website

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the largest professional and technical society, principal voice, and information resource devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation and space. Our mission is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics and astronautics, and to promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits. At both the national and state level, AIAA fulfills its commitment to undergraduate students by providing scholarships for exceptional engineering students. The University of Tennessee student chapter of AIAA is actively involved in enriching the undergraduate experience of Aerospace Engineering majors by providing aerospace-related professional, educational, and social events.

Advisor: James Coder
Phone: 865-974-8994
Email: [email protected]
National Website

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is the world’s leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with more than 40,000 members from ninety-three countries. AIChE has a breadth of resources and expertise in core process industries or emerging areas, such as nanobiotechnology. Members can access information on recognized and promising chemical engineering processes and methods from a global network of intelligent, resourceful colleagues. AIChE also provides learning opportunities from recognized authorities to help chemical engineers move forward professionally and enrich the world we live in.

Advisor: Eric Boder
Phone: 865-974-6362
Email: [email protected]
National Website

American Nuclear Society

American Nuclear Society

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) is a not-for-profit, international, scientific and educational organization established to promote the awareness and understanding of the application of nuclear science and technology. ANS has developed a multifarious membership composed of approximately 10,500 engineers, scientists, administrators, and educators representing 1,600 plus corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies.

Advisor: Nick Brown
Email: [email protected]
National Website

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) is an international educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to biological, food, and agricultural systems. ASABE serves 1200 preprofessional members in 80 university chapters across the United States and Canada and sponsors several student competitions that attract participants from across the United States, Canada and beyond.

Phone: 865-974-7266
National Website

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers

Members of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) come from all disciplines of civil engineering, from all types of backgrounds, and from all corners of the world. ASCE pioneers new programs, policies, educational activities, and professional resources to help them successfully compete in their business.

Advisor: Zhongguo (John) Ma
Phone: 865-974-7276
Email: [email protected]
National Website

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a 120,000-member professional organization focused on technical, educational and research issues of the engineering and technology community. ASME’s mission is to promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well-being of its members, and through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind.

Advisor: Matthew Young
Phone: 865-974-7689
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Associated General Contractors of America

Associated General Contractors of America

The Associated General Contractors of America is the leading association for the construction industry. With over 26,000 member firms, AGC provides a full range of services satisfying the needs and concerns of its members, thereby improving the quality of construction and protecting the public interest.

Advisor: Islam El-adaway
Phone: 865-974-0722
Email: [email protected]
Natonal Website

Association of Computing Machinery

Association of Computing Machinery

The student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery at the University of Tennessee is dedicated to serving its members by providing information about job opportunities, the computer science fields, and a location for our local members to share their knowledge and experience in the world.


Biomedical Engineering Society

Biomedical Engineering Society

The vision of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is to serve as the world’s leading society of professionals devoted to developing and using engineering and technology to advance human health and well-being. BMES serves as the lead society and professional home for biomedical engineering and bioengineering. Our leadership in accreditation, potential licensure, publications, scientific meetings, global programs, and diversity initiatives, as well as our commitment to ethics, all serve our mission to promote and enhance knowledge and education in biomedical engineering and bioengineering worldwide and its utilization for human health and well-being.

Advisor: Xiaopeng Zhao
Advisor Phone: 865-974-7682
Email: [email protected]
National website

Engineering Ambassadors

Engineering Ambassadors

The University of Tennessee Tickle College of Engineering Ambassadors program was founded in 2004. The Ambassadors are the undergraduate arm of recruitment for the college. However, the scope of the program has been continuously expanding to meet the college’s needs. The purpose of the Ambassadors is to recruit prospective students to the Tickle College of Engineering, involve the college’s student body in its goals, and stimulate community interest in the field of engineering.

Phone: 865-974-3848
Email: [email protected]

Engineering Mentor Program

Engineering Mentor Program

Engineering Mentor Program is a channel that will aid beginner engineering students with finding their suited discipline. Upper level students will mentor them in the discipline of their choice. This program targets the uncertainty and broad questions conjured by engineering freshmen. This will allow students to gain a holistic perspective on the engineering curriculum they wish to master.

Advisor: Kevin M. Kit
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 865-974-9874

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders

The purpose of the Engineers Without Borders at the University of Tennessee is to partner with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through implementation of environmentally, equitable, and economically sustainable engineering projects, while involving and training internationally responsible engineering students and professionals.

Advisor: Ozlem Kilic
Phone: 865-974-9234
Email: [email protected]

FIRST Alumni at UT Knoxville

FIRST Alumni at UT Knoxville

FIRST Alumni at UT Knoxville’s goal is to connect students who previously participated in FIRST’s robotics-based engineering programs, and help them to create new connections.

Advisor: Rachel McCord Ellestad
Email: [email protected]
National Webs



Hydrolunteers represents the student chapters of American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and American Water Works Association/Water Environment Association (AWWA/WEA). It is a water and environment focused organization aiming to bring together students with a variety of backgrounds to network and collaborate with one another.

Advisor: Jon Hathaway
Phone: 865-974-6058
Email: [email protected]
American Water Resources Association
American Water Works Association
Water Environment Association

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a professional society for those involved with engineering electronics. It has monthly publications and a website with a vast resource of information on the profession and technologies.

Advisor: Mongi Abidi
Phone: 865-974-5454
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers @ UT is an organization governed by the students within the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering. Its main focus is to provide students with outside resources regarding their future professional careers. In addition, it is a way in which industrial engineering students can get to know one another better outside of the classroom. The highlight of the ISE year is the annual regional conference. Historically, participation has been excellent.

Advisor: Mingzhou Jin
Phone: 865-974-9992
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Institute of Transportation Engineers

Institute of Transportation Engineers

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an international individual member educational and scientific association, is one of the largest and fastest-growing multimodal professional transportation organizations in the world. ITE members are traffic engineers, transportation planners and other professionals who are responsible for meeting society’s needs for safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating and maintaining surface transportation systems worldwide.

Advisor: Lee Han
Phone: 865-974-7707
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Material Advantage

Material Advantage

The Material Advantage Student Program provides access to the materials science and engineering professional’s most preeminent societies:

  • The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
  • Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST)
  • ASM International
  • The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)

Advisor: Claudia Rawn
Phone: 865-974-5340
Email: [email protected]
National Website

National Society of Black Engineers

National Society of Black Engineers

With more than 10,000 members, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is the largest student-managed organization in the country. NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.

Advisor: Thura Mack and Laura O’Shaughnessy
Email: [email protected]
YouTube Link

Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering

Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering

With more than 10,000 members, the SAMPE-UTK is the student chapter of an international composites industry trade group, the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering. Students will learn about advanced polymeric composites such as carbon fiber and fiberglass, and have the opportunity to engage in hands-on workshops with topics including part design, mechanics of composite materials, mold making, resin infusion, etc. They will also be able to hear from industry speakers at least once a semester, and learn about job opportunities in the composites sector. The main event is the annual SAMPE conference, where students can submit entries to the bridge competition and test the mettle of their composite designs against other students from around the world. Attendance at our meetings is open to all!

Advisors: Dayakar Penumadu, CEE
Uday Vaidya, MABE
North American Website
International Website

Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers

Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers

The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) was founded in November 2007 to help Asian heritage scientific and engineering professionals achieve their full potential.

Since their inception in 2007, SASE have been rapidly growing. SASE has reached professional and collegiate communities all over the nation.

Advisor: Xueping Li
Phone: 865-974-0863
E-mail[email protected]
National Website

Society of Automotive Engineers

Society of Automotive Engineers

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has more than 90,000 members — engineers, business executives, educators, and students from more than 97 countries — who share information and exchange ideas for advancing the engineering of mobility systems. SAE is your one-stop resource for standards development, events, and technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining, and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space.

Advisor: David Irick
Phone: 865-974-0863
E-mail[email protected]
International Website

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community.

The concept of Networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the United States. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.

Advisor: Dustin Gilbert
Email: [email protected]
National Website

Society of Women Engineers

Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

Email: [email protected]
National Website

Student Space Technology Association

Student Space Technology Association

The Student Space Technology Association (SSTA) is an engineering organization at the University of Tennessee. Founded in 2015, SSTA focuses on researching and developing high-efficiency rocket engines, particularly to deliver scientific instruments to specific altitudes. We primarily specialize in hybrid rocket motors, utilizing experimental plastic fuels and liquid nitrous oxide. We compete in multiple competitions including the Spaceport America Cup’s Student Research and Design (SRAD) Hybrid division and Argonia Cup. We also participate in outreach events promoting STEM and rocketry to engineering students and younger attendees, such as UT’s Engineers Day and the local October Sky Festival.

Advisor: James Evans Lyne
Phone: 865-974-5254
Email: [email protected]

Systers: Women in EECS

Systers: Women in EECS

Systers: Women in EECS @ UT (Systers) is a volunteer student organization whose mission is to recruit, mentor, and retain women in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Systers is proud of their accomplishments so far: mentoring young women entering EECS, reaching out to girls in the community to tell them about opportunities in their field, and helping ensure that talented students have access to their department’s resources and their community’s industry opportunities, regardless of gender.

Advisor: Katie Schuman
Phone: 865-974-4393
Email: [email protected]

Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Theta Tau is a co-ed, professional engineering fraternity that combines the positive attributes of a conventional fraternity with the unique benefits afforded to those belonging to a co-ed brotherhood of engineers.  Including members from all engineering disciplines, Theta Tau seeks to build lifelong friendships and professional contacts between all of its members.

National Website

Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering’s mission is to empower and equip women with the knowledge and resources to achieve their full potential in the engineering field. There are many opportunities in the program including mentor programs, professional speakers, resume building, networking, leadership opportunities, and social events.

Faculty Advisor: Anahita Khojandi
Email: [email protected]
Department website

Women in Chemical

Women in Chemical

The Women in Chemical Engineering Community provides AIChE members with a space to assemble and promote women within the chemical engineering and related fields. By creating an inclusive environment of support, women and allies of all technical backgrounds in industry, academia, government labs, or those reentering the workforce, can find guidance for leadership development of themselves and others through networking and mentorship opportunities.

National Website

Women in Nuclear

Women in Nuclear

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Student Chapter of Women in Nuclear is part of an extensive national and global organization that supports nuclear energy and nuclear technology fields promoting an environment in which men and women are able to succeed. This organization allows and encourages networking with women in the fields to further professional development and provide an organized association through which the public is informed about nuclear energy and nuclear technologies.

National Website

YNOT Robotics Team

YNOT Robotics Team

YNOT’s mission is to provide an opportunity for engineering students across all disciplines to practice the engineering design process first hand and increase interest in STEM among students in the Knoxville community through competitive robotics. Since 2017, they have competed in VEXU robotics tournaments creating quality, innovative robots recently winning the 2021 VEXU Robotics World Championship. Additionally, they have mentored hundreds of students, hosted robotics tournaments, and volunteered across the American South.


Interested in financial support for your student organization or activity? Please see the Student Activities Financial Support policy and form.