The college has several unique programs designed to ensure the success of its students:
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program
Provides an opportunity for academically qualified students to experience a broader and more challenging preparation for their chosen engineering discipline. Personalized opportunities are available in research, entrepreneurship, global studies, and community engagement.
engage Engineering Fundamentals Program
First-year students admitted to the college are automatically enrolled in engage one of the nation’s most innovative freshman engineering programs. The program is a cutting edge, success-oriented approach to first-year engineering education with a curriculum built around teaming students for project-oriented, hands-on activities.
Engineering Entrepreneurship Program
Designed to give students the skills to create economic value from technological ideas, to protect and grow intellectual properties, to create successful funding proposals, and to detect and take advantage of technology trends.
Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program
A unique program in partnership with the Haslam College of Business. Selected students will learn the systems approach to planning and decision making. The blended curriculum emphasizes leadership and impactful communication skills, organizational and managerial problem-solving techniques, a big picture perspective, collaborative team experiences, one-on-one executive mentoring, and systems-based thinking.
Integrated Engineering Design
The mission of the Integrated Engineering Design program is to increase the number of horizontal and vertical design interactions for Tickle College of Engineering undergraduates. Horizontal interactions will allow students across the University of Tennessee to collaborate in interdisciplinary courses on authentic design challenges. Vertical interactions will provide opportunities for seniors to freshman within their own discipline to work together on real-world design problems.
Reliability and Maintainability Engineering
Developed to meet the needs of industry and government by providing formal undergraduate and graduate education in the RME area. Undergraduate students can receive a minor in RME, while graduate students can receive either a graduate certificate or master’s degree.