It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab and an appreciation for a different style of research.
MRSEC Sparks Collaborative Success
UT awarded National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
The new center’s focus will lead to new industries in clean energy, computing, and national security.
“FAIRER” Tech for a “WISER” System
Shuai Li is leading UT research on the FAIR4WISE NSF grant, which will make teleoperations more inclusive to women and help diversify the construction industry.
UT a Core Member of New NSF Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing
UT’s expertise in advanced manufacturing and workforce development is a key component.
UT Research Group Part of $5.6M Effort to Diversify Data Access for Science and Society
UT Professor Michela Taufer is part of a new NSF-backed research initiative being led by the University of Utah that hopes to diversify science.
Renewable, Resourceful
Hector Pulgar, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, recently received an NSF CAREER Award for his work on power grids.
Engineering Vols Earn NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Tickle College of Engineering students Jackson Spurling and Erica Waters earned prestigious 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.
Small Changes; Big Results
Assistant Professor Mahshid Ahmadi received a CAREER Award to further research into OIHP materials—important for solar farms, medical innovations, and more.
UT to Help Study Transit, Bike Sharing, and E-scooter Sharing in Nashville and Portland during Pandemic
UT researchers are working with colleagues in Portland to map transit, bike sharing, and e-scooter sharing during the current pandemic.
President Trump Nominates UT-ORNL Expert Babu for National Science Board
Suresh Babu, UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Advanced Manufacturing, has been selected by the White House to serve on the National Science Board.