Suresh Babu and UT alum Kevin Lamb have discovered that the pores in additively manufactured steel, long considered a nuisance, can actually make components better in some configurations.
Porous Steel May Be the Secret to Impact Resistance
Department of Defense Extends UT-Led MURI Award
UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Advanced Manufacturing Suresh Babu is leading research that the Department of Defense has extended two years.
President Trump Nominates UT-ORNL Expert Babu for National Science Board
Suresh Babu, UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Advanced Manufacturing, has been selected by the White House to serve on the National Science Board.
In Their Words: Students Describe the Bredesen Center Experience
Doctoral students Ishita Ray and Reed Wittman describe what it’s like to be part of the Bredesen Center, a joint venture between UT and ORNL.
Suresh Babu to Lead UT-ORNL Bredesen Center
Suresh Babu, UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Advanced Manufacturing, has been selected as the new director of the Bredesen Center.
Manufactured Advancement
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is pushing the boundaries of innovation across a wide range of initiatives in advanced manufacturing.
UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair to Lead Major Research for US Navy
“With this award, UT continues to expand its research portfolio with the Department of Defense and, in particular, this opportunity with the Office of Naval Research,” said Victor McCrary, vice chancellor for research. “Dr. Babu is a prime example of the university’s research excellence.”