Winners of 2013 Alcoa–College of Engineering Study Abroad Fellowships announced
The College of Engineering has announced the initial student exchange between the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering (MABE) and the Politecnico de Torino in Turin, Italy, this spring.
Six MABE seniors will be spending their spring semesters in Turin taking technical coursework along with some basic Italian.The Politecnico de Torino is one of the largest and most prestigious technical universities in Europe, and is famous for its close interactions with the FIAT automotive group. Participating students are Myles Smith, Ben Hemphill, Charles Wood, BJ Byers, Anna Bacon, and Doug Liedle.
Also supported this spring on their study abroad programs are Will Thatcher and Matthew Brunton. Thatcher, a senior in electrical engineering, will study Russian language in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is completing a minor in Russian. Brunton, a sophomore in biosystems engineering will study in New Zealand to fulfill requirements for an environmental engineering minor.
All will be participating in the Outreach blog, so fellow students can share their experiences.