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Student Reports: William Flaherty, London, 2012

William Flaherty and other UT Students in London
Members of the EECS study-abroad group in London: from left are Joe Dorris, Drew Nash, Phillip Andreason, Mischa Buckler, and William Flaherty.

June, 2012

William Flaherty
William Flaherty is a senior in Computer Engineering. He studied in London and Cambridge in June 2012.

London, culturally speaking, is the biggest melting pot I’ve ever been in. There are people from every country, out of every culture, that speak every language, and they are around you every day. I think I have eaten at least ten different cuisines since I have been here and they have all been delicious. London has some very rich history and being able to see that and experience British culture in itself has also been a phenomenal experience. Several of the museums are free and have some incredible history in them. Just today I saw the Rosetta Stone in person in The British Museum.

The class I am taking is Theory of Computation and we are studying Computer Science from its very beginnings in the 1930’s before computers were even invented. Mathematicians were the forerunners of “Computer Science,” which technically wasn’t even a field of study at the time. The amount I have learned in such a short time has been incredible and I have yet to even attend one of the 2 conferences scheduled for our visit to Cambridge. I imagine I will learn an immense amount there as well.London, culturally speaking, is the biggest melting pot I’ve ever been in. There are people from every country, out of every culture, that speak every language, and they are around you every day. I think I have eaten at least ten different cuisines since I have been here and they have all been delicious. London has some very rich history and being able to see that and experience British culture in itself has also been a phenomenal experience. Several of the museums are free and have some incredible history in them. Just today I saw the Rosetta Stone in person in The British Museum.

I also have had the privilege of attending the recently opened Warner Bros. Studio Tour on “The Making of Harry Potter” and got a pretty cool picture of our group representing UT in the actual Great Hall (above, for all you Potter fans).