Tickle College of Engineering / Engineers Day / Register Register 2024 | Engineers Day Registration Step 1 of 3 33% Fill out the information below to register for Engineers Day 2024. Are you registering as a high school or as a student?*Select oneHigh SchoolStudentIf you are attending with a registered high school group, you do not need to compete an individual Student registration. Name of School* Name of Student* Student's Email* Student's High School* If homeschool, list your homeschool group’s name or simply write “homeschool”.Name of Student's Parent or Guardian (Parent or Guardian must attend if student is under 18 years of age)* Email for Student's Parent or Guardian Phone Number for Student's Parent or Guardian*High School Leader's Name* High School Leader's Title* Email* Cell Phone*Are you the day of event contact?* Yes No Day of Event Contact Name* Day of Event Contact Email* Day of Event Contact Cell Phone Number*Approximate Number of Students Attending* Approximate Number of Chaperones* Approximate Number of Buses/Vans* How many of your buses will need a staging/parking area during Engineers Day?* If bringing any personal vehicles, please provide us an approximate number of vehicles. If bringing any personal vehicles, please provide us an approximate number of vehicles.* Quiz Bowl Registration (optional)Please list the name of your Quiz Bowl team(s) as well as the names of the four members of each team. If you would like to register more than two Quiz Bowl teams, please email engineersday@utk.edu with your additional Team and Team Member Names. Note that if you are participating as a single student, you may be paired with other students to form a team for the Quiz Bowl.Are you registering for Quiz Bowl?* Yes No Team Name Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Are you registering a second Quiz Bowl team?Select OneYesNoTeam Name Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 CompetitionsPlease select which events you would like to participate in. For a complete list of rules and competitions requirements, please visit our competitions page.Balsa Wood Bridge Competition (*Bridges made in advance*) Participating Not Participating Number of Balsa Wood Bridge Entries (2 max per school): Capture the Flag with Cryptography Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Student Teams Participating (Teams can consist of 1-3 members): Cup Stacking Experiment Participating Not Participating Number of Student Teams Participating (Teams can consist of 4 to 6 members): Design Challenge Participating Not Participating Number of Students Participating: Egg Drop Competition (*Devices made in advance*) Participating Not Participating Number of Egg Drop Competition Entries: Lego Assembly Line Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Student Teams Participating (Teams can consist of 2 to 4 members): Penny Boat Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Individuals/Teams Participating (Teams can consist of 2 to 3 people): Prosthetic Challenge (*Device made in advance) Participating Not Participating Number of Individuals/Teams Participating: Radiation Shield Competition (*Shields made in advance*) Participating Not Participating Number of Radiation Shield Competition Entries: Rocky Top Stand Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Students Participating: Surveying Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Students Participating: Windmill Blades Competition Participating Not Participating Number of Individuals Participating: Engineering Campus TourWould you like to participate in an engineering campus tour?* Yes No How many will be on your tour?* Will you need any accommodations? (e.g. Wheelchair accessible route) First Preferred Tour Time*Select One10:0010:2010:4011:0011:2011:4012:0012:2012:40Second Preferred Tour Time*Select One10:0010:2010:4011:0011:2011:4012:0012:2012:40EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Engineers Day 456 Zeanah Engineering Complex863 Neyland DriveKnoxville, TN 37996Phone: 865-974-2454Email: engineersday@utk.edu HomeScheduleSocial SceneCompetitionsRules and RegulationsExhibit TablesTransportation InformationDiningEngineers Day Photo Gallery