PhD student Rebecca Lalk’s passions include hiking, painting, mentoring other engineers, and improving cerium-doped rare earth aluminum garnet scintillators.
It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab and an appreciation for a different style of research.
TCE alum Matthew Loyd was recently selected for an Early Career Research Program award by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science for his proposal involving a neutron camera.
To understand the unconventional features of correlated magnets, Yishu Wang will develop new tools that add time resolution to neutron scattering experiments.
Three researchers from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering appeared on Clarivate’s 2023 High Cited Researchers list.
Sergei Kalinin and collaborators at UT and ORNL earned an R&D100 Award for developing autonomous processes for microscopy that can impact research methods in multiple disciplines.
Michael Broud spent the summer participating in the Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program.
Marlena Alexander spent the summer participating in the Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program.
Dustin Gilbert’s research team publishes in Advanced Materials about discoveries in dynamic magnetic fractal networks.