Quantum materials are the playground for observing and utilizing the quirky, often counterintuitive properties of quantum mechanics. These materials are the key to next-generation electronics, superconductors, and quantum computers. If you’re drawn to the challenge of understanding and exploiting phenomena like superconductivity, magnetoresistance, and topological insulators, the study of quantum materials will put you at the cutting edge of physics and engineering.
Participating Faculty
We have several faculty who work in computational materials science. Explore their research interests and their profiles below.

Dustin Gilbert
Assistant Professor
Research Areas
Structural, magnetic, electrical, & thermal properties of nanostructured systems including nanoparticles, wires, continuous & pattered thin films; e-beam & photolithography defined features, patterned subtstrates, & nanocomposite materials; and neutron scattering to identify buried magnetic features. X-ray scattering for chemical and magnetic spectroscopy and imaging.

Bin Hu
Research Areas
Magnetic studies of exciton-exciton and exciton-charge interactions in organic light-emitting and photovoltaic devices; magnetic control of constructive and non-constructive excited state and charge transport processes in organic semiconducting materials; spin injection and polarization effects on electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes; and singlet and triplet photovoltaic channels in organic solar cells.

David Mandrus
Jerry and Kay Henry Endowed Professor
Research Areas
Growth, discovery, and materials physics of new electronic and magnetic materials (e.g., superconductors, thermoelectrics, multiferroics, and itinerant magnets); and oxide electronics.

Yishu Wang
Assistant Professor
Research Areas
Emergent phenomena of correlated electrons; quantum magnetism in materials and devices; and multimodal probes (optics, x-ray, neutron, AC) at low-temperature and high-pressure