Scintillating Crystals grown in the SMRC

Research Strengths

Next Generation Materials

Creating customizable 2D functional materials for superior superconductors, magnets, and quantum computers; developing new scintillators to improve medical imaging, homeland security, and nuclear non-proliferation; and engineering materials for extreme environments like nuclear reactors, hypersonic flight, and outer space spanning.

The college is a hotspot in the development of customizable, non 3-dimensional materials to serve specific, precisely designed functions.

Such materials are revolutionizing modern life by advancing the abilities and function of fields including electronics, medicine, national security, and the production, movement, and storage of energy.

The wide-ranging impact of these materials can be seen by looking at the diverse array of entities that have sponsored research at the college, including aerospace giants like Boeing and NASA, leading medical companies such as Siemens, and the US Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Energy.

Involved Faculty