Assistant Professor

Contact Information
312 Ferris Hall,
1508 Middle Drive,
Knoxville, TN 37996-2100
[email protected]
Research Areas
Her research focuses on experimental development and verification of emergent phenomena in quantum spin systems. The topics she is interested in are broadly defined, including but not limited to spin fluctuations across electronic phase transitions (such as superconductivity and metal-insulator transitions), quantum criticality in the strong-coupling regime, emergent quasiparticles in frustrated magnets and strongly correlated metals. She has employed and is actively developing a broad array of experimental techniques, such as time-resolved neutron scattering, inelastic neutron spectroscopy, x-ray magnetic diffraction and optical Raman spectroscopy under high pressure, audio-frequency electrical and magnetic transport down to mK-range, and spintronic devices tailored for one-dimensional spin-chain systems. She performs experimental works both in lab on campus and on large-scale facilities in national labs including Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Argonne National Lab (ANL).
Yishu Wang is an experimental physicist working on emergent phenomena in correlated electron systems, with a particular focus on quantum magnetism and its liaison with modern device technology. She joined UT in August 2022 as an assistant professor in Department of Materials and Engineering, jointly appointed by Department of Physics and Astronomy. Before moving to Knoxville, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow of Institute for Quantum Matter in Johns Hopkins University, after she obtained PhD in physics from Caltech (2018), MS in physics from University of Chicago (2014), and BS in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University in China (2013).