Dwight Hutchins Engineering

Diversity Programs

The Dwight Hutchins Engineering Diversity Programs supports recruitment, retention, and graduate school preparation of historically underrepresented groups, as defined by ASEE, including pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate students. 

Established in 1973, the Dwight Hutchins Engineering Diversity Programs works to increase the number of underrepresented engineering students who graduate from the college with a BS, MS, or PhD in engineering by:

  • Providing academic preparation and exposure to career possibilities in the area of engineering to pre-college students, thereby increasing the pool of qualified students who enter the college.
  • Recruiting students and providing services and resources to ensure their success.
  • Working with faculty, staff, and students to create an invigorating and supportive environment.
  • Assisting in the preparation of students for graduate studies and engineering careers.

Our goal is to enable the successful recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented (African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islanders, and female) students, as defined by ASEE.

During the last four decades, over 1000 underrepresented students have graduated from the Tickle College of Engineering.