Tom & Melanie Wood
Endowment Scholarship
Tom Wood led an impressive career, following his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering from UT, starting out at Shell Chemical Corporation. His creativity and acknowledgement of the human factor moved him swiftly through the ranks during his 25-year stint at Shell.
In combination with Huntsman Corporation’s acquisition of the Shell plant in New Jersey where Tom was working, Tom was hired as Huntsman’s Senior Vice President of Business Development. He formed a close bond with members of the Huntsman family and rose to President of Huntsman Polypropylene Corporation and ultimately served as Senior Vice President of Huntsman International Corporation. Though a brilliant third generation engineer (his father and grandfather were both engineers), Tom Wood’s greatest legacy was the care and devotion he showed to those around him, helping them to bridge differences and learn from others. This legacy lives on in Tom’s family and friends. He has mentored kings and queens of industry and touched many by his influence and example. Read about Tom Wood.
His example will continue to lead others in the establishment of the Tom & Melanie Wood Scholarship Endowment at the Tickle College of Engineering, where Tom once studied. Each recipient will be assigned a mentor from within the college who, in the spirit of Tom’s influence, will help ensure their success and development.
If you would like to support our future Tom & Melanie Wood Scholars, please contact Blake Hudson at 865-974-2779 or [email protected].
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