Engineering Entrepreneurship Program

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
509A John D. Tickle Building
Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 865-974-0671

Engineering Entrepreneurship Minor

The Engineering Entrepreneurship Minor provides students with exposure to the broad range of skills required to succeed in a technologically-based entrepreneurial endeavor including introduction to engineering entrepreneurs for mentoring, analysis of technology trends, fundamentals of intellectual property protection, ethics in business, practice in key communications skills, understanding of the due diligence process, exposure to proposal writing and management skills and involvement in basic elements of starting a company. Sixteen hours of coursework are required as listed below.


Sixteen hours of coursework are required for the minor as listed below.

Required Courses

CourseCredit Hour(s)
EF 130 Survey of Engineering Entrepreneurship1 hr
ENT 350 Introduction to Entrepreneurship3 hr
IE 405 Engineering Economics3 hr
IE 457 Engineering Entrepreneurship or
ME 457 Engineering Entrepreneurship or
NE 457 Engineering Entrepreneurship
3 hr

Electives (Choose two below)

CourseCredit Hour(s)
DSGN 430 Design Thinking and Innovation3 hr
EF 437 Honors: Interdisciplinary Senior Design I3 hr
EF 438 Honors: Interdisciplinary Senior Design II3 hr
ENT 415 Start-Overs as Start-Ups3 hr
ENT 425 Entrepreneurial Marketing3 hr
ENT 460 Leading Innovation and Change3 hr
ENT 462 Innovation & Creativity3 hr
ENT 464 Corporate Entrepreneurship3 hr
ENT 470 Managing an Entrepreneurial Start-up3 hr
ENT 485 Funding Strategies for Entrepreneurs3 hr
ENT 492 – Entrepreneurship Internship3 hr
IE 452 Project Planning & Organizational Management3 hr

Note: This course combination simultaneously satisfies the requirements for an Engineering Entrepreneurship Minor and the University Entrepreneurship Minor. Students may not minor in both Entrepreneurship and Engineering Entrepreneurship.