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Engineering Entrepreneurship Program

Come for a degree…leave with a company!

The Engineering Entrepreneurship program is designed to give students the skills to:

  • Create economic value from technological ideas
  • Protect and grow intellectual properties
  • Create successful funding proposals
  • Spot technology trends and take advantage of them

For more information about the program, contact William “Bill” Hicks to learn more.

Roy B. Martin Scholarship for Engineering Entrepreneurship

Roy B. Martin was a Memphis native ad a first generation college student of German immigrants.  His father was a machinist, and Martin attended UT to become a mechanical engineer, graduating in 1935.  He worked as an HVAC Engineer for years, but his entrepreneurial spirit took over, and he began a successful consulting business. 

Martin believed in supporting fellow entrepreneurs and engineers, so at the age of 96, he started the scholarship which bears his name to support aspiring engineers pursuing the Engineering Entrepreneurship minor at UT.

Each year, 1-3 students from this class are chosen to receive up to a $1,000/year scholarship, renewable for up to 3 years. The requirements are that you stay enrolled in the college, with a GPA >3.0, and pursue the engineering entrepreneurship minor.

Representatives from the Engineering Entrepreneurship minor in the Tickle College of Engineering will choose the winners each academic year.