While we were in England, we visited various historic locations throughout London, Oxford, Cambridge, Windsor, Stonehenge, and Canterbury. I also got the opportunity to go to Amsterdam in the Netherlands while I was abroad.
I attended ECAM-Lyon in Lyon, France for 6 weeks through the IPL International Summer School. I took classes at both the CPE Lyon and ECAM campus. I took 3 hours of French class in the morning and 4 hours of engineering class in the afternoon 4 days a week. My French class was intermediate level…
My “Semester at Sea” has been thus far amazing. The theme of the short-term voyage is “Engineering a New Tomorrow.” I have enjoyed learning about my course, Human Factors Engineering.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Tickle College of Engineering held its Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at the Foundry. The event included a reception, dinner and awards program. The Nathan W. Dougherty Award, the college’s most prestigious honor, was given to Terry Douglass, President, ProVision Healthcare, LLC. Douglass’…
In this year’s university undergraduate research competition, 13 excellent engineering projects represented the TCE. Five Tickle College of Engineering undergraduate research projects were singled out as award winners this year.
The program I settled on is a UT featured mini-term trip called “From the Cloister to the College: The Birth of the University” and focuses primarily on ancient English history. England has always fascinated me due its ancient and vibrant past.
The Southeastern Conference (SEC) engineering colleges, which include the University of Tennessee Tickle College of Engineering, have signed an exchange agreement with the Turin Polytechnic (Politecnico di Torino). The agreement will allow University of Tennessee students to study at Torino, one of the best schools in Europe, for a semester.
Today the group was taken on a tour of Cambridge University. Though it’s blasphemous to say, considering that the two are ancient rivals, I found it very similar to Oxford. The teaching methods, multiple colleges, and detailed architecture were similar to each other, if very different from a typical U.S. college.
Our first touristy trip in Thailand brought the colorful nature of Thailand to the forefront, but as we went around Bangkok the temples started to look more and more similar. Not only was the Wat Pho Temple our first stop, its also home to the world’s largest reclining buddha, so cool!!!
So fortunately I was not able to receive all of the necessary documents from my host university in time to obtain my student visa making a trip to Macau a necessity! I wish all necessities were as cool as having to go just a one hour ferry ride away from Hong Kong to this larger…
Do you have a story to share? Have you received a recent award? Are you going to be published soon?
Tennessee Engineer is published in the spring and fall by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tickle College of Engineering for alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the college.
The college’s annual report is published every year in the fall.