Faculty members across the college enjoy well-earned promotions and tenure as we lean into the fall semester. Congratulations to all.
Promoted to Full Professors
Qiang He
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research: Environmental biotechnology, water quality, environmental microbiology and renewable energy
Husheng Li
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Research: Wireless communications, signal processing, information theory and networking
Xueping Li
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research: Complex systems modeling, simulation and optimization; healthcare logistics; supply chain management; scheduling; information assurance
Kivanc Ekici
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Unsteady aerodynamics, turbomachinery, computational fluid dynamics, gas turbine propulsion and aerodynamic design and parallel computation
Feng-Yuan Zhang
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Sustainable energy and alternative fuel, low-emission combustion engines, thermal/fluid sciences, MEMS/NEMS, micro-/nano-scale transport, micro fluidics and heat transfer, advanced electron/optical/laser/X-ray spectroscopies
Zhili Zhang
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Radar REMPI, laser diagnostics and plasma dynamics
Xiaopeng Zhao
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Brain-computer Interface, wearable healthcare, computational neuroscience, computational physiology, biomedical informatics, signal processing, machine learning, statistics, epidemic modeling and control, biomechanics, micro- and nano-systems, impact and vibration, system identification, systems dynamics, feedback control, optimal control, agent-based modeling, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation and chaos, stochastic dynamics
Jason Hayward
Research: Radiation instrumentation, especially for nonproliferation technologies and imaging.
Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor
Siris Laursen
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Directed design of advanced catalytic materials and processes, renewable energy and fuels from biomass, catalytic reduction of CO2 to C1 fuel sources and fine chemicals, fundamental surface science, chemical reaction kinetics, electro-catalysis, photo-catalysis, quantum chemical modeling
Joshua Sangoro
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research: Polymer physics and chemistry; thin films, membranes, and electronic materials
Jon Hathaway
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research: Urban pollutant fate and transport; green infrastructure; low impact development; anthropogenic influences on the environment; innovative monitoring instrumentation; stormwater runoff effects on human and ecological health; coupled human and natural systems
Timothy Truster
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research: Crystal plasticity of structural materials, composite material modeling, stabilized numerical methods, high performance computing
Daniel Costinett
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Research: Resonant and soft switching power converter design, high efficiency wired and wireless power supplies, on-chip power conversion, medical power supplies, and electric vehicle
Haixuan Xu
Materials Science and Engineering
Research: Electronic and atomic-level simulations of defect properties and evolution in advanced structural and energy materials
Andy Sarles
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Biomimetic membranes for sensing, energy conversion, and actuation; uncovering membrane-nanomaterial interactions; active surfaces for sensing, controlled wetting/dewetting, and actuation; tonotopic structures for passive separation of mechanical energy
Caleb Rucker
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Robotics, solid mechanics, medical applications, computer aided surgery
Jamie Coble
Research: Fault detection, diagnostics, and prognostics; equipment condition assessment; process monitoring for safeguards and control; risk-informed maintenance and control
Promoted to Rosenberg Associate Professor of Practice
Matthew Young
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Research: Engineering pedagogical methods; robotics and controls; machine design; additive manufacturing