Weston Fulton Professor

Contact Information
2641 Osprey Vista Way,
Knoxville, TN 37920-2100
[email protected]
Research Areas
- Atom by atom fabrication via electron beams. Applications of machine learning and artificial
- intelligence for physics extraction from the atomically-resolved and mesoscopic imaging data.
- Coupling between electromechanical, electrical, and transport phenomena on the nanoscale.
- Developing novel SPM techniques, mathematical analysis of SPM data, quantitative measurements of local properties by SPM
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Awards & Recognitions
- Symposium X Lecture, Materials Research Society, Fall 2018
- RD100 Award, “Atomic Forge”, 2018
- Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, 2018
- Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Physics, Laureate, 2018
- Fellow; American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Institute of Physics, IEEE, AVS