Engineering Advising Office
160 Zeanah Engineering Complex
Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 865-974-4008
Email: [email protected]
Orientation Advising Information
Use the links below to prepare for your first orientation session with the Office of Engineering Advising.
For First-Year Students
As you prepare to attend your Orientation session, please review this college orientation advising presentation from the Office of Advising.
You will also need to complete the following worksheets. You and your advisor will use these worksheets to finalize your first semester academic plan.
Be sure to bring a tablet or laptop (and charger) with you to orientation.
If you have questions about any of the worksheets or information you are learning, please contact the Engineering Advising Office (865)974-4008 or [email protected].
Familiarize yourself with MyUTK. You will not be able to register for classes until after your advising appointment but, in the meantime, review the registration instructions.
- AP/IB/Dual Credit Worksheet
- If you need assistance in identifying your Dual Enrollment credits, please use the Transfer Equivalency Tables
- If you need assistance in identifying your AP/IB credits earned, please visit
- Please remember to send official scores and transcripts to UT Admissions Office in order to post credits to your UT Academic Transcript.
- Volunteer Core
- Engineers take courses in all areas of Volunteer Core. This website will provide information about each category.
- Please use the Undergraduate Catalog to see the list of approved courses in each category.
- If a UT class is not on these lists, it does not count for Volunteer Core.
- Academic Plan Worksheet
- Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for the major(s) that interests you. You can click on each course and read the description including pre-requisites and co-requisites.
- Refer to this generic advising example for more information.
- Familiarize yourself with MyUTK. You will not be able to register for classes until after your advising appointment but, in the meantime, review the registration instructions.
For Transfer Students
As you prepare to attend your orientation advising session, please follow these steps to get started.
- Sign-up to attend a Transfer Orientation.
- Review the Undergraduate Catalog for 2024 (available in April 2024) for your admitted major.
- Review the transfer tables provided by the Registrar’s Office to see how your courses will transfer to UT.
- Run your DARS report to review what requirements have been met and what is still needed to earn your degree at UT. During your orientation advising session, please review your DARS report with your advisor. Discuss any courses that need to be petitioned.
- Review the college’s Volunteer Core requirements. Students transferring with an associate degree from a Tennessee community college should inform their engineering advisor that they have acquired an associate degree.
- Create a list of courses you want to discuss/register with your advisor for your first semester at UT using the college’s Academic Planning form.
- Familiarize yourself with MyUTK and the university’s registration process.
Be sure to check your UT email regularly for an invitation from your from your advisor to schedule a Zoom appointment.