Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Minor
Pursuing a minor in engineering and business combines technical knowledge with business acumen, providing a well-rounded skill set that enhances versatility, leadership potential, and career opportunities.
Program Overview
The Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Minor is available to undergraduate students from the Tickle College of Engineering and Haslam College of Business. The students will be selected in their freshman year through an application process by appropriate committees in the two colleges. The students will be advised by their college’s advisors and will register in courses designed for this program in their sophomore through senior years. The minor will also provide common learning experiences to the students through extracurricular activities and projects specifically designed for the program.
Why Get a Minor from the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering program?
The Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program unites students and knowledge in two of UT’s outstanding academic colleges, pairing an industry-focused curriculum with immersive, professional, co-curricular experiences to leaders with a comprehensive, systems-thinking approach to breaking down silos and solving challenges. The minor program allows students to understand the intersection of business and engineering, bringing depth and value to both fields through hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Featured Courses
BUAD 200 Integrity: Becoming an Ethical Leader and Effective Communicator
Appropriate written communication in a business environment, including discussion of plagiarism and academic integrity. Areas of content may include resume and cover letter development, report formatting, intercultural business communication, and personal reflection.
BUAD 300 Insight: Becoming Personally and Professionally Aware as a Leader
Course will focus on equipping students with career, industry, and professional development knowledge necessary to becoming competitive for internships and other professional opportunities. Areas of content may include interviewing, personal branding, and business case analyses.
BUAD 405 Impact: Becoming a Leader Who Makes a Positive Difference
Course will focus on having students reflect on their experience as business students and helping them transition to their professional lives as alumni. Students will consider how they will use their business education to make a positive impact on the world going forward.
EF 303 Creating Synergies in Business and Engineering Collaborations
The objective is to develop the skills and understanding to create effective cross disciplinary engineering and business teams. Students will work to understand the key requirements of projects from both the business and engineering perspective. Additionally, students will be able to apply basic engineering principles in a business context. Scenarios in new product development and operations will be considered. Topics may include identifying needs/key requirements, project management, and sensitivity analysis of solutions from the profit and loss perspective.
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