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Craig Stevens

Adjunct Lecturer


Craig Stevens is a lifelong learner in all things change and continuous improvement. He has developed numerous models and written books and papers on management subjects. He has also served as an adjunct faculty member for Vanderbilt University, Belmont University, Trevecca Nazarene University, University of Phoenix, and is currently an adjunct lecturer at UT Knoxville. He currently teaches The Project Management and Optimization Courses for the Center of Advanced Systems Research and Education (CASRE) for the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering in the Tickle College of Engineering.

He is/was a trainer/facilitator of Project Management, Lean Six Sigma, and Customer Service for Westbrook Stevens LLC, the American Management Association International (AMAI), Padgett Thompson, and VMEdu (ScrumStudy, PMStudy, 6sigmaStudy, MSSudy). He taught graduate and undergraduate classes and workshops in Strategic Implementation, Innovation and R&D, Operations Management, Project Management, Change Management, Manufacturing Management, Strategic Management, General Management Principles, Systems Management, Statistics, Customer Service, Engineering Economy, and Human Factors Engineering.

He has worked as a consultant for over 100 different organizations in 25 states for US DOD, US DOE, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Westinghouse, DuPont, and others). Craig has worked in every layer of an organization and in several industries (Healthcare, Agriculture, Government, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Scientific Research, Energy, Real Estate Investing and Construction, Waste Management and Environmental Restoration, and Not-For-Profits). He also worked as a senior project manager in the PMO for a major healthcare organization where he implemented both BA and PM best practices. He was the Manager for the Process Improvement Program for HCA Physician Services, where his CIPp Team developed the CPI/Lean/Six Sigma program for roughly 800 practices.