Three students from the Tickle College of Engineering won awards at the fall 2024 Graves Business Plan Competition, a UT pitch competition that provides real-world experience for student entrepreneurs.
Jim Ostrowski’s team placed sixth in a national competition to create a modern, optimized grid scheduling program that incorporates renewable energy.
Infrastructure researchers and experts from American and Japanese academic, government, and industry groups came to UT this fall for the second EXCET Workshop.
Former PhD student Izuwa Ahanor created DiversiTree, a new method generating diverse sets of near optimal solutions to mixed-integer optimization problems.
Bill Hicks was named as one of the members of the 2024-2025 Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellows Cohort.
PhD student Samuel Affar was awarded “Outstanding Graduate Student Senator” and “Excellence in Service” at the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) Awards Brunch 2024 Program.
Professor John Kobza is a regional vice president for Alpha Pi Mu, an industrial engineering honor society. He is one of many ISE faculty members in leadership positions in academia or service organizations.
Chase Post, Jacob Seals, Preston Ruth, and Harriet “Hattie” Williamson are among the 2023-24 recipients of the Wallace “Dwight” Kessel Scholarship.
Anahita Khojandi is the new Heath Faculty Fellow for UT’s Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program.
From Industrial Engineering Graduate Management Outreach Young technology professionals, a 4*10 work week, a desire to advance their careers, and […]