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Master’s Program

To be fully effective in today’s dynamic workplace, engineers and scientists must be able to make sound management decisions while working in fast-paced technical environments. Our master’s programs offer grads the invaluable experience they need to succeed in future academic and professional settings.

Program Overview

Our department offers four distinct programs designed to enhance career prospects and specializations through in-depth understanding, access to cutting-edge research, industry connections, and more. Those who enroll in the MS program have the opportunity to select a concentration in engineering management.

Why Study

As a student in our program, you’ll have the chance to work alongside world renowned faculty with access to our various labs and centers, contributing to cutting-edge research that is making a global impact. Meticulous course curriculum is paired with an emphasis on student mentorship, industry knowledge and application, and real-world problem solving so graduates will succeed no matter what path they choose in industrial and systems engineering.

Degree Programs

We offer master’s degrees through the following programs: (link to each page)

  • MS in Industrial Engineering
  • MS/MBA in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration
  • MS in Reliability and Maintainability Management
  • MS in Engineering Management (online)


Student pursuing a MS in industrial engineering will have the opportunity to take courses in diverse areas. Here is an example of just a few of the required courses:

Application of classical statistical techniques to industrial engineering problems. Statistics and statistical thinking in managerial context of organizational improvement; descriptive statistics and distribution theory; relationship between statistical process control techniques and classical statistical tools; parameter estimation and hypothesis testing; goodness-of-fit testing; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; single and multiple factor experimental design.
Application of engineering economic analysis in complex decision situations. Inflation and price changes; uncertainty evaluation using non-probabilistic techniques; capital financing and project allocation; evaluations involving equipment replacement, investor-owned utilities, and public works projects; probabilistic risk analysis including computer simulation and decision trees; multi-attribute decision analysis; and other advanced topics.
Development and application of fundamental deterministic optimization methods including linear programming, dynamic programming, introductory integer programming, basic game theory, and classical optimization theory applied to constrained and unconstrained models.
Seminar provides an opportunity for Master’s and Doctoral students to acquaint themselves with research being conducted by both faculty and graduate students in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, as well as select campus-wide and off-campus researchers from both academia and industry. Research work and relevant results are presented in a professional environment that promotes continued interaction among interested parties. Presentations are not restricted to thesis and dissertation work.

Check out the course catalog for more information on our graduate programs.