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Jonathan Mitchell: Student Report from 2018 Alternative Spring Break to Nicaragua

But after we landed and started adventuring, everything changed. My anxiety waned as we were taken on city tours, volcano visits, a tour of Lake Nicaragua, and so many other experiences. I had never been to Nicaragua before and the opportunity to investigate and experience the culture of the area was excellent.

Tyler Newsom: Student Report from 2018 Alternative Spring Break to Nicaragua

Traveling to a foreign country is a fun and interesting experience.  From enjoying the native food to interacting with natives of that country, everything is new and requires you to be open-minded about everything. With that in mind, our trip to Nicaragua was a blast, and I would recommend it to anyone who might be interested in going.

Ian Lumsden: Student Report from 2018 Alternative Spring Break to Nicaragua

In my opinion, the most impressive type of beauty I experienced in Nicaragua was the culture. Every aspect of the culture was amazing, but, instead of trying to explain all the amazing parts that I saw, I’m going to describe what I believe was the most impressive part: the people’s contentment with what they have.

Elijah Smith: Student Report from 2018 Alternative Spring Break to Nicaragua

When first arriving to the farm, you cannot help but notice the abundance of smiling faces. There are people cleaning dishes in the kitchen, people composting the plants, people selling homemade tinctures, and people simply enjoying a good book. The one trait they all had in common was the expression on their face.