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Schwartz Named Director of Tennessee Water Resources Research Center

“I look forward to making the TWRRC a campus-wide water resources community and seeing what can happen when faculty work together on challenging problems,” said Schwartz, a member of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty.

College Shines at Chancellor’s Honors

Alshibli, a Haslam Scholar and Grand Challenge Scholar, pursued research in cardiac regenerative medicine at the Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine, tutors students and assists with science programs at Pond Gap Elementary School, and organized the Einstein Science Club at Annoor Academy.

How’s the Water?

Under CEE guidance, The Tennessee Water Resources Research Center and the Town of Farragut are working together to identify, locate, and assess the different stormwater structures that are owned by the town. The multi-year project is a phased effort that will canvas Farragut’s different residential communities.