The University of Tennessee is the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.
UT Leads $25 Million Nuclear Technology Consortium
Hayward and Wen Lead Research in Detecting Shielded Contraband in Cargo
NE Professor Jason Hayward and Assistant Research Professor Xianfei Wen lead a $2.5M study to develop advanced methods to detect contraband that contains special nuclear materials.
UT Part of $25M Nuclear Research and Development Project
UT has joined an 11-member university consortium grant for research and development into nuclear science, engineering, and security.
Zhuravleva Earns NSF CAREER Award for Novel Crystal Growth
Mariya Zhuravleva, assistant professor of Materials Science and Engineering, was selected by the National Science Foundation for an Early CAREER Award.
Accolades: European Travel, Quoted in Science, Nuclear Award, CURENT Patent
Engineering Vols are invited for European Travel, quoted in Science, receive a Nuclear Award, and receive a patent.
Scintillating Investigation: Hayward and Qi Lead New Research Team
The team will also research and develop advanced algorithms relevant to search, localization, source identification, 3D mapping, source tracking, and dynamic path planning with autonomous vehicles.
Research Highlight: Jason Hayward
Working with Oregon State University, Jason Hayward is working to improve the accuracy and reduce the cost of monitoring the massive amounts of plutonium that are housed in nuclear facilities. Hayward’s team hopes to use cosmic ray muons, a type of particle, to do this. “Cosmic ray muons are so highly penetrating that they have […]
Research Highlights: Materials Science & Engineering and Nuclear Engineering
Materials science and engineering and nuclear engineering faculty team up as part of a $30 million consortium sponsored by DOE. Howard Hall, Governor’s Chair for Global Nuclear Security and Professor, nuclear engineering (NE); Research Professor in materials science and engineering (MSE) and Director of the Scintillation Materials Research Center, Chuck Melcher; Jason Hayward, NE Associate […]