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Tiffany Sithiphone Shines with the Volunteer Spirit

TCE alumna Tiffany Sithiphone actively supports Women in Engineering at UT as she earns national recognition for her leadership in career and diversity roles.

Mingzhou Jin Earns John D. Tickle Professorship

Mingzhou Jin is the latest TCE faculty member to achieve the designation of John D. Tickle Professor, bestowed in honor of his exemplary scholarly research and publication record, teaching, and service record. The appointment begins August 1, with a potential renewal at five years and continued designation.

UTRF Selects Four Tickle College of Engineering-Led Projects for Funding

Engineering Students Help Promote COVID Vaccinations Through Competition

UT engineering students developed pamphlets aimed at encouraging people to get the COVID vaccine as part of an Engineers in Medicine Society competition.

Collaborative Team Designs Virtual Health Care Simulation App

In spring semester 2021, students in the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s College of Nursing will get firsthand experience testing out a new virtual health care app designed by a team of faculty and students from across campus.