Tickle College of Engineering student Kaden Uselton participated in the Global Initiatives’ 2019 Alternative Winter Break in Cape Coast, Ghana.
Kaden Uselton: Student Report from 2019 Alternative Winter Break to Ghana
Professor Emeritus Eric Drumm Dies
Faculty and students remember Professor Emeritus Eric Drumm, who passed away February 7.
Faculty Launch Rain Garden Project in North Knoxville
Professors from the Tickle College of Engineering and College of Social Work are teaming up to launch a new rain garden project in North Knoxville.
Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Aims to Solve Industry Feud
She said that her research has given her direction in both school and life: “I came into my major not knowing what I really wanted to do after college. Through my research experiences, I have found different topics I like and others I do not. It is a great way to get experience and apply the skills you learn in class to a real life setting.”
Accolades: Jamie Coble Set for Leadership Academy; BESS Senior Design Team Wins
Accolades for Jamie Coble and Bess Senior Design Team
CNN: The Biodegradable Burial Pod that Turns Your Body into a Tree
Your carbon footprint doesn’t end in the grave. While you rest in peace, the wood, the synthetic cushioning and the metals generally used in traditional coffins ─ as well as the concrete around reinforced graves ─ continue to litter the earth. Jennifer DeBruyen, an Associate Professor of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, spoke to CNN […]