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MRSEC Sparks Collaborative Success

It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab and an appreciation for a different style of research.

Faculty Profile: Claudia Rawn

Whether it is teaching a classroom of students, working on cutting-edge projects in a laboratory, mentoring young potential engineers, or helming a Tickle College of Engineering (TCE) research center, Dr. Claudia Rawn, a University of Tennessee–Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Joint Faculty member and an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering […]

Research Highlight: Claudia Rawn

In 2011, Rawn and her research team won an NSF award for the Research and Instructional Strategies for Engineering Retention (RISER) program. Rawn’s team was selected for its work with female and diverse students. The RISER program supports the goal of NSF’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP)—to recruit and retain students in STEM fields.