“His research in understanding radiation damage to materials and the development of new materials for nuclear energy production is critical, both for UT and ORNL as institutions as well as the drive for clean energy.”
UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Wirth Named American Nuclear Society Fellow
Record Number of UT Students Honored by American Nuclear Society
“This is a tremendous accomplishment for our students and a reflection of the strengthening of our program over the last decade,” said Wes Hines, head of the department. “Being able to have some of the top students in the country — as acknowledged by these selections — is a key to that growth.”
UT’s Wood Named Fellow by American Nuclear Society, Coble Honored
“We are extremely happy for Richard and for this recognition of his years of innovative work,” said Wes Hines, head of the department. “His selection is validation of the contributions he has made to the field, to our department, and to our university.”