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Serious Accolades for Laughing Gas and Secure Routing

Loeffler Gets Serious About Laughing Gas

The National Science Foundation recently announced support for a variety of studies aimed at understanding Earth’s biodiversity, including a project led by UT’s Frank Loeffler, above.

Loeffler, the joint UT–Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair for Microbiology and Civil and Environmental Engineering, is researching the role of microbes in controlling emissions of nitrous oxide—also known as laughing gas—from the ground.

Read about Loeffler’s research.


Smith & Schuchard Map a Secure Route

Jared Smith, a graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science, earned first place in the Applied Research Competition at CSAW 2018, considered the largest student-run cyber security event in the world.

He presented the paper, co-authored with EECS Assistant Professor Max Schuchard, titled “Routing Around Congestion: Defeating DDoS Attacks and Adverse Network Conditions via Reactive BGP Routing.” The competition is recognized as the premier showcase for young security researchers whose work has already appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conferences.

Read about CSAW 2018.