Reliability and Maintainability Center Stays in High Demand
Klaus Blache, director of the Reliability and Maintainability Center (RMC) and research professor in industrial engineering, says that 2017 has been the center’s busiest year in terms of training, company involvement, and requested presentations.
Some of Blache’s recent and upcoming activities include:
- Keynote on “Using Assets as a Competitive Advantage” at the Asset Management Ecosystem Conference in Las Vegas (March 28)
- Keynote speaker (The R&M Engineering Partnership Between Industry and Academia) at Society of Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) Regional Meeting in Mississippi (April 24)
- Opening speaker (Using Reliability & Maintainability to Enable Operational Best Practices) at Nissan’s Innovation Conference at their assembly/training complex in Canton, Mississippi (April 25)
- Keynote on “The Future is Here, What Now?” at the combined Reliable Asset World / UE Systems Ultrasound Conference in Florida (May 10)
During the end of April and in May, the RMC team presented two public and three private training classes. Also, 30 or more summer interns will be placed with RMC member companies.
“It’s rewarding to see that Tickle College of Engineering graduates are getting good positions in industry,” said Blache. “Several are now attending our bi-annual member meetings for their company.”