The 2021 Chancellor’s Honors Banquet recognized outstanding achievements by UT’s faculty, staff, and students on April 7, and our engineering community made a strong showing as always. After going virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a safety-minded, in-person banquet returned for 2021.
Engineering Community Honored for 2021
L.R. Hesler Award
David Keffer
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
This award is named for a longtime head of the botany department to recognize exceptional teaching and service.
Rising UT Woman Award
Mariya Zhuravleva
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Kay Howell
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
This award recognizes women in the early stages of their professional paths who have made great strides in their areas and show exceptional promise for future accomplishments.
Research and Creative Achievement
Peter Liaw
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Fran Li
James McConnell Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
These honors are bestowed to senior faculty in recognition of excellence in research, scholarship, and creative achievement.
Professional Promise in Research and Creative Achievement
Joshua Sangoro
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Jian Liu
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
This award honors faculty members who are early in their careers for excellence in research, scholarship, and creative achievement.
Excellence in Advising
Kerri Cline
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
This recognition is bestowed by the Office of the Chancellor and the Teaching Council of the Faculty Senate to honor outstanding work in advising.
Graduate Student Teaching Award
Huseyin Kose
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
This award honors graduate student excellence in instruction.
Extraordinary Campus Leadership and Service
Nicole Beautz
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
This recognizes graduating students who are extraordinary campus leaders for their significant service to others.
Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
Jackson Spurling
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
This award honors a junior or senior who has demonstrated excellence in undergraduate research through independent inquiry, classes, and student employment.
Top Collegiate Scholars for Engineering
This recognition honors undergraduates who exhibit extraordinary scholarship.
- Theresa Lynn Cahill
- Ethan MacDougall Cerrito
- Seth Bolton Crawford
- Luke Aaron Edwards
- Tyson Andrew Johnson
- Samantha Rose Maness
- Matthew Graham Montgomery
- Seth Spencer Street
- Daniel Nicholas Troutman
- Michael Evan Wermert
- Logan Patrick White
- Andrew Todd Wilcox
- Jeongmin Andrew You