Amy Biegalski, a senior lecturer in the Department of Engineering Fundamentals, was nominated for the Division of Student Life Friend of the Division Award.
Each year, the Division of Student Life recognizes select staff members and campus partners for excellence in their fields and transformation impact on the student experience. The Friend of the Division Award is given to an individual or a department that has gone above and beyond to assist the work that Student Life does and consistently supports the mission and vision of Student Life.
Biegalski was nominated for the award by Brandon Frazho, the assistant director, academic learning initiatives.
“There is no living and learning communities (LLC) liaison that is more impressive than Dr. Amy Biegalski. The way that she supports her students at every step of the way is absolutely unmatched,” Frazho wrote in his nomination letter. “Dr. Biegalski models the way for other academic partners on what it looks like to have a true partnership. She is so passionate about supporting the LLC and filling Geier Hall with various engineering hopefuls each year.”
Biegalski recruits approximately 20 built-in mentors across the apartment spaces at Geier Hall and helps them match with roommates and mentees for each school year. Biegalski has created a monthly newsletter that spotlights her students and helps hosts programs like Women in Engineering Day and Breakfast of Champions.
“Dr. Biegalski is such a good communicator always helping incoming and prospective students find their way and will go out of her way to help interested students and parents get connected to housing and our process,” Frazho wrote. “She helps coordinate the extensive LLC budget and is always accurate with the processing of this paperwork to make the jobs of our Budget & Finance office easier. Dr. Biegalski has inspired many within her program to give back, whether they take on a university leadership position, club, or even become one of our Engage-representing LLC Ambassadors.”
Rhiannon Potkey (865-974-0683, [email protected])