Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize how complex problems are solved. The Quantum Algorithm Theory and Discrete Optimization Group (QAT & DOG) at the University of Tennessee studies fundamental quantum algorithm design and applications of these algorithms to discrete optimization problems.
Affiliated Faculty
Current Students and Postdoctoral Researchers
- Mostafa Atallah
- Marzieh Bakhshi
- Igor Gaidai
- Moises Ponce
- Shamim Riten
- Anthony Wilkie
Recent News
- Anthony Wilkie will be conducting research at LANL during summer 2024.
- Rebekah Herrman will be giving a talk at the NSF post-quantum AI workshop April 1-2.
Featured Projects
- AI TENNessee Initiative
Seed Funds for AI Research and Teambuilding: Developing ML/AI-based Tools to Analyze the Multi-dimensional Spectroscopic Data of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (May 2023 – present) - NSF REU Site
Quantum algorithms and optimization (February 2023-present) - NSF CISE SMALL
Optimizing Quantum Circuit Design (October 2022-present) - DARPA ONISQ
Problem Structure and the Quantum Advantage: Theory and Algorithms (November 2019-present) - DOE Express
Converting quantum circuits to dynamic continuous-time quantum walks (October 2023-present) - DARPA IMPAQT
Analysis of feasibility of using variational quantum algorithms to solve dominating set type problems (July 2023-present)
Sample Publications
- Herrman, R., Lotshaw, P. C., Ostrowski, J., Humble, T. S., & Siopsis, G. (2022). Multi-angle quantum approximate optimization algorithm. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6781.
- Herrman, R., Treffert, L., Ostrowski, J., Lotshaw, P. C., Humble, T. S., & Siopsis, G. (2021). Globally optimizing QAOA circuit depth for constrained optimization problems. Algorithms, 14(10), 294.
- Xie, J., & Yao, B. (2023). Physics-constrained deep learning for robust inverse ecg modeling. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20(1), 151.
- Li, H., Yao, B., Tu, T., & Guo, G. (2012). Quantum computation on gate- defined semiconductor quantum dots. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, 1919.