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Medal earns several accolades

ISE Assistant Professor, Hugh Medal, is “winning” in several areas:

  • Medal named as associate editor for Networks Medal has been named as an associate editor for the journal Networks, a premier journal in the area of network optimization algorithms.


  • Medal to co-chair INFORMS Doctoral Student ColloquiumMedal and Nicholas Hall (Ohio State) will be co-chairing the Doctoral Student Colloquium (DSC) at the 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting on November 6-7 in National Harbor, MD. Medal was the chair for the 2019 INFORMS DSC.


  • Medal awarded machine learning grant
    • Medal is the co-PI of a grant titled “Machine-Learning-Enabled Modeling for High-Dimensional Dynamics of Materials Processes,” and funded by the StART seed funding program organized by the Science Alliance at the University of Tennessee.